Niamhy ❤️ 30th April 2024

Well Lee, you’d have been 35 today. So much has changed since you’ve gone. Not a day goes by where I just wish I could talk to you or give you a big hug! 💔 I remember your last birthday and how chuffed you were with just a simple T-shirt I had got you. You went oh I’m gonna try that on! God every moment I just try and cling on to more and more every day. I know today we’d have all wound you up about being closer to 40 🙈 I wish you were here my beautiful big brother. I could never get used to missing you. Never goodbye just see you later. Happy birthday Lee, I hope you’re celebrating with grandma, Val, your dad, Kelly and everyone else. I’ll never accept it. I love you so so much!! ❤️❤️